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Undiscovered Voices 2014

It’s been a while and I should be giving more regular updates but it’s been a busy few months! I was fortunate enough to be one of the illustration winners of SCBWI’s (Society for Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators) Undiscovered Voices 2014. www.undiscoveredvoices.com A launchpad for new writers and illustrators.

It’s been fantastic with loads of help and advice from top illustrators to get my portfolio ready to show agents and publishers. Visit the website to find out more and to download the anthology for free with illustrated intro by the eminent Chris Riddell.

Illustration winners (from left) Olivia Palmer, Dave Gray, James Brown and Sarah Palmer with Chris Riddell (centre.)

Illustration winners (from left) Olivia Palmer, Dave Gray, James Brown and Sarah Palmer with Chris Riddell (centre.) 

Photo: Candy Gourlay www.candygourlay.com

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