The Ideas Machine is a simple but powerful app for iPhone and iPad capable of generating over 20 million ideas for use in story writing, illustration, workshops, games & activities. Simply press Ernest for endless inspiration!
Ernest the monkey is full of ideas –
OVER 20 MILLION POSSIBLE IDEAS in fact! And he’s happy to type away – knocking them out all day long if you want… Of course, it would take a monkey with a typewriter a long time to write the complete works of Shakespeare, and some of Ernest’s ideas are never going to be Hollywood blockbusters… but because of the sheer volume, there are plenty of gems in there too! Who knows, you could be the one to catch Ernest’s next million dollar idea…
To use The Ideas Machine, simply select the idea mode you want and then press Ernest the monkey for a fresh new idea on that theme. If you don’t like the idea, simply press him again (and again) for a practically unlimited stream of unique ideas! You will almost certainly never see the exact same idea twice. Once you’ve picked an idea, use it as a starter to create a story, drawing, act it out – or do whatever you want with it!
With a Kids Mode for picture book ideas that children will love and an older 12+ Mode for those with a larger vocabulary, there’s ideas to suit every audience. There’s also a Location Mode to help with ideas for story settings.
Age ranges are a rough guide. We’ve tried to keep the content pretty clean so Ernest shouldn’t come up with anything too family unfriendly, but for younger children it’s recommeded you keep it in Kids Mode.
What can I use The Ideas Machine for?
The Ideas Machine has many creative uses and is suitable for workshops, games, drama groups, story writing and character ideas.
The Ideas Machine requires no internet connection to run so it’s quick and easy to use in workshops and on the move.
The Ideas Machine will not store any user data whatsoever. There is no need to log in to use the app. It’s simple, old school and ad free. Also, it won’t ask you to buy any expensive in-app purchases.
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